Donation Details

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We would like to inform you that you can now send in your donations to our bank account directly or send on mobile money using the details here
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Account Details

ACCOUNT NO: 03892820000
ACCOUNT NAME: Muzawie Charity Foundation


You can send in your mobile money to +256 704 571291 in the names of Muhammad Sayeed Shido or 256774918544 in the names of Muhammad Baksh.

Contact us for your Kurban and other Donations

We offer Iftar during Ramadhan for the Fasting Muslims, Collect and distribute Zakatul Fitr and organize Iddi celebrations for the orphans. We also do Kurban activities during Dhulhajji for the communities that are needy. All these are done with great passion.
Our Service
• Orphans . We give various support to orphans in terms of school fees, scholastic materials, career guidance, feeding, accommodation provision, economic support to their guardians whenever the foundation can and constant medical checkups to keep them healthy.
• Widows: We support the widows financially by providing them with economic support, hands on skills training and formation SACCOs for them.
Community Support
• Community: We do construct boreholes, mosques for communities to have better places of worship and clean water at all the times since the area we are dealing in has the water issues since then.
• Elderly: We also give support to the elderly in terms of monthly food, clothes and some financial support whenever the Foundation is in position.
Affected by Calamities
• Affected by Calamities: We also extend our help to the people who have hit by various calamities in Uganda like Floods, Mud slides, Hunger, Wild Fires among others.